: views from the Hill

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Strothman Agency

Wendy Strothman, formerly with Houghton Mifflin and, before that, head of Beacon Press, has her agent shingle hung out in Boston. How do I know? Because someone (not me) in this household gets a copy of the Brown Alumni Magazine and was reading bits of the magazine to me over dinner last night. Strothman was Brown, class of 1972.

Strothman left HM in June 2002 to agent. She works with affiliate agent John Ryden and Dan O'Connell as senior publicity director. According to Publishers Weekly, the agency "specializes in narrative nonfiction — memoir, history, science and nature — and selected fiction."

Have something along those lines?

The Strothman Agency
1 Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Third Floor
Boston, MA 02109

Update: More information on Wendy Strothman and the Strothman Agency

Update: "The Strothman Agency is moving. As of July 28th, [2008] we will be located at 6 Beacon Street, Suite 810, Boston, MA 02108. This will also be our new mailing address."

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