: views from the Hill

Thursday, April 03, 2008

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! A new mouse!

My mechanical mouse was getting fussier and crankier. Lately, each time I tried to make the pointer move it dodged and dawdled like nobody's business. Editing was a pain. Clicking wee boxes was a pain.

I finally complained to his nibs who took the mouse apart and extracted all the dust and gunk collected in its innards. The mouse still balked. I was glum.

So his nibs went off to Fry's while he was out of the office at lunchtime today and brought me home a beautiful little laser Logitech mouse that plugs into one of the USB ports on my machine. $9.95 plus tax.

So long, clenched teeth!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! A new mouse!

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