: views from the Hill

Thursday, February 05, 2009

An Open Letter to Amy Dickinson by Margo Howard

An Open Letter to Amy Dickinson by Margo Howard


In short, when the Tribune hired and syndicated you, that made you their new advice columnist, period. You are no more "the new Ann Landers" than Carolyn Hax, Dan Savage or any of the dozens of advice columnists who were bought by newspapers to fill the space previously occupied by my mother.

By law, the only person who would have been able to become "the new Ann Landers" was me. And that was nothing I chose to do. You see, dear, even I knew that there could only be one Ann Landers.

Sure. Whatevs.

That's why Dear Margo®'s column always finishes off with Dear Margo is written by Margo Howard, Ann Landers' daughter.

Not that Margo Howard would ever even consider trying to be the new Ann Landers.

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