: views from the Hill

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Rolex Awards for Enterprise

The Rolex Awards for Enterprise celebrate an interesting collection of people with useful ideas to solve problems at low cost that affect a number of people. Hans Hendrikse, the featured inventor on this page of the site, developed a new way for South Africans to fetch water over long distances. "Thousands of rural women carry water containers on their heads, risking major injuries. Carrying containers weighing between 10 and 25 kg (22-55 lbs) for an average distance of 2km (1.24 mi) per round trip, they can seriously damage their necks and spines. And the salvaged plastic containers they use are often unhygienic."

Hendrikse came up with a relatively cheap solution. Other inventors, other projects, other award winners are described on this site. Cool use of Flash.

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