: views from the Hill

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Kathleen Davey's progress

It's been two very long years for the Davey family. There's a click over there in the lefthand sidebar to the site that tells the story.

I have Kathleen's daily update on my bloglines list. When several days go by without Mike writing some quick note on how she's doing, I worry.

I think about them often, about Kathleen who seems to improve millimeter by millimeter and then falls back and starts all over, only not all over because she's not back at the beginning, about Mike who bears an unbearable load with far more grace than anyone would expect, about Samie and Rachie who are growing up in a household far different than Kathleen and Mike envisioned two years ago, about the family that was so happy together, playing in the sand.

I picture them at the beach on a better day when the girls were younger. I hope for beach days in the future.

Mike wrote about the two-year anniversary yesterday. People added comments. One comment was pretty hateful, I thought. I hope the community that gathers the Daveys close are more than enough to blot out the ugliness that sometimes rears its head.

Today, as with most days, I hope for a miracle. If not a miracle, more of those millimeter by millimeter steps and for the day Kathleen can hug her children back.

Best thoughts from here to there.

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