: views from the Hill

Sunday, November 12, 2006

[WR] [NO FEE CONTEST] Have a Southwestern mystery? Thinking of writing one? Never had a mystery published?

Rules for the 2007 HILLERMAN MYSTERY COMPETITION sponsored by the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference (THWC) and St. Martin's Press, LLC.

[PDF file. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download here.]

DEADLINE 01 July 2007

"It is important that you submit your manuscript as early as possible. Our judges are volunteers ..."

snippets from the rules

1. Open to any writer, regardless of nationality, who has never been the author of a published mystery (as defined ... yadas. note: the definition defines what a mystery is, not what published is) and is not under contract with a publisher for the publication of a mystery.

One manuscript entry per writer.

2. Must be at least 60K wds, written in the English language. yadas.

The story's primary setting is the Southwestern United States, including at least one of the following states: AZ, CO, NV, NM, OK, TX, UT.

5. Prize $10K advance against future royalties.

[via Miss Snark, who snitched it from Sarah]

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