: views from the Hill

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

And a big thanks to Restaurant Whore

And a big thanks to Restaurant Whore AKA Joy at Confessions of a Restaurant Whore for writing yesterday about her search for some place -- any place -- in the greater San Francisco area where she could find tasty, ungussied-up Maine lobster.

She gave a heads-up to and a thumbs-up for Old Port Lobster Shack on Veterans Boulevard in Redwood City.

As a result of the ensuing discussion in the comments tail and because the whole discussion was making me crave lobster, I asked his nibs, who was down in the South Bay today, to swing by Marina Food (10122 Bandley Dr, Cupertino, near the corner of Stevens Creek Blvd and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd) and pick up some live Maine lobster for dinner.

We needed, I told him, to check and report back on the liveliness of the lobster and the current price at Marina. Dinner tonight and 'rolls tomorrow will be our sacrifice for the communal knowledge base!

(Report: Very lively! Price: $11.99/lb)

Update:... and live Dungeness crab. $2.99/lb, according to his nibs.

Ah. Maine lobster. Melted butter for dipping. Acme sour batard for sopping up the mess. A bit of green salad with balsamic dressing because his nibs seems to think I need to eat more green stuff. I'll be one happy camper at supper tonight.

Next up, we'll have to check out the live Maine lobster at Ranch 99 and do a compare and contrast report. Don't you think? For the common knowledge base!

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