: views from the Hill

Friday, April 14, 2006

What do scents say about you?

Off in another community, during a discussion of Easter food that segued into a discussion of Tabu, Emeraude, and other scents from our youth, someone asked what scent(s) I currently wore.

I answered, [his nibs] doesn't much like perfume or other "stinky stuff," as he calls it. He doesn't willing walk into a store that sells soaps and bath salts. I don't burn incense while he's home.

That said, these are in my perfume bin:

  • Tea Rose Perfume by Perfumers Workshop
  • 4711 eau de toilette
  • lavender essence from Abbaye de Senanque
  • assorted hippie-dippie scents from the local scent shop: redwood, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, parijata, white ginger.

Looking back at that list, I realized, that all the scents were basically unmixed essences: rose, lavender, white ginger, &c. The closest thing to a mixed perfume is 4711, an old-fashioned (first brewed in 1772) cologne.

What does it say of me that I don't wear Tabu or Chanel No.5 or (heaven help me) Britney perfume? Why am I drawn to redwood, eucalyptus, and ginger, if I wear any scent at all?

What scents do you wear, and why?

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